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  • добавлен 02 сентября 2011 г.
Hearle J.W.S., Morton W.E. Physical Properties of Textile Fibres
Woodhead Publishing Limited,Cambridge, 2008, Pages: 746
Coedited by one of the world’s leading authorities in the field and the late W.E. Morton, this classic book explores key aspects of fiber performance. Cementing its reputation as an invaluable reference, this fourth edition has been substantially reorganized and revised to reflect new research directions.
This book is primarily a text book, based on author's teaching experience, and intended for textile students in universities and colleges.
An Introduction to fibre structure
Testing and sampling
Fibre fineness and transverse dimensions
Fibre length
Fibre density
Thermal properties
Equilibrium absorption of water
Heats of sorption
Rate of absorption of moisture
The retention of liquid water
Theories of moisture sorption
Tensile properties
The effects of variability
Elastic recovery
Directional effects
Thermomechanical responses
Fibre breakage and fatigue
Theories of mechanical properties
Dielectric properties
Electrical resistance
Static electricity
Optical properties
Fibre friction
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