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Hentig H. von. The Criminal & His Victim: Studies in the Sociobiology of Crime
New Haven: Yale University Press, 1948. — viii, 461 p.
Книжка, считающаяся своего рода манифестом виктимологии, хотя проблеме потерпевшего (или, как заведено благодаря неквалифицированным переводчикам, "жертвы преступления") посвящён лишь один из четырёх разделов сочинения, причём последний. А начинает автор, как и положено антропологу-биологизатору, с рассмотрения "конституционных факторов преступности" и её "социобиологических элементов", не забыв попутно остановиться на "географии преступности". Увы, личный горький опыт автора ничему не научил: удрав из Германии после прихода к власти нацистов, г-н фон Хентиг продолжил свои изыскания всё в том же расистско-ксенофобском ключе. Непонятно, на чём зиждется нездоровая популярность этого деятеля германской и североамериканской криминологии в нашей стране, немало натерпевшейся от таких вот идеек. Рекомендуется всем, кто грезит "гуманистической направленностью" якобы "прогрессивного" виктимологического учения, для избавления от подобного рода иллюзий.
Constitutional factors and crime.
Physique and Criminal Behavior.
Nature and Nurture in the Genesis of Social Conflicts. Criminal Anthropology — Not Yet a Science. Physique and Social Controllers. Birth and Life-span. Parents — Very Old and Very Young. Prenatal Conditions. The First-bo. Twin Birth. Heredity and Crime. Graying. Mortality. Physical Traits and Peculiarities. Excess of Physical Vigor. Red Hair. Left-handedness and Left-markedness. Ugliness. Physical Defects and Handicaps. Deafness. Blindness. Strabism. Stuttering. Psychological Variables. Intelligence. Tattooing. Criminal Slang. Mental Disorders. Introductory Remarks. Dementia Praecox. Manic-depressive Insanity. Senile Disorders. General Paresis. Epilepsy. Paranoia. The Hysteric Conditions. Intoxication Psychoses: Alcoholism, Morphinism, Cocainism, Marihuana and Peyote. Psychopathies. Mental Deficiency.
The sociobiological elements of crime
protective and Pseudoprotective Groups.
The Juvenile Gang. Gangs and Gangsters. Genetics and Dynamics of the Gang. The Prison Gang. Mobs and Crowds. Execution Mobs. The Underworld. Crises of Transition (Micro- and Macro-migrations). The Rural and the Urban World. Statistics of Rural and Urban Crime. The Demography of Rural and Urban Areas. Country and City as Milieu Factors. Migration — A weapon of Survival. Physical Acclimatization. Socioeconomic Adjustment. The Foreign-bo Delinquent. The Second Generation. Immigrants and the Administration of Justice. Occupation and Crime. The Incommensurability of Census and Crime Data. Psychology of Vocation. Crime and Selected Professions. Religiosity and Crime. An Insolvable Task. Statistical Data. The Social Potentialities of Religion.
Geophysics and crime.
Delinquency and Physical Forces.
Climate, Natural and Artificial. Seasonal Changes. Time of Day. Day of the Week. Lynching Periodicities. Crime and Other Geophysical Phenomena.
The victim.
The Contribution of the Victim to the Genesis of Crime.
The Duet Frame of Crime. Suicide: A doer-Sufferer Combination. Victim Statistics. General Classes of Victims: The Young, The Female, The Old, The Mentally Defective and Other Mentally Deranged, Immigrants, Minorities, Dull Normals. Psychological Types of Victim: The Depressed, The Acquisitive, The Wanton, The Lonesome and the Heartbroken, The Tormentor, Blocked, Exempted and Fighting Victims. The Activating Sufferer — Some Broader Aspects.