  • формат java
  • размер 65,27 КБ
  • добавлен 02 мая 2014 г.
Html2dsl / Конвертер из HTML в DSL
Конвертер из HTML в DSL. Представляет собой Java приложение. Для работы требуется Sun Java Runtime Environment.
This is a convertor specially designed for converting html-formatted dictionaries into open Dictionary Specific Language (DSL), introduced by ABBYY Software ( DSL is a human-readable, logically and visually formatted source code for ABBYY Lingvo, a unicode dictionary program with a specific feature of full-text search, including all the wordforms. DSL is also supported by various other programs.
Source file is plain-text, resulting DSL is Unicode-BigEndian text. Note, that resulting file MUST be then converted to Unicode Low-Endian!
Unpack into any folder and run html2dsl.jar by double-clicking. To run this from the command line, go to the folder and type the following:
java -jar "html2dsl.jar"

Note: Sun Java Runtime Environment (free downloadable, see shall be installed on your machine.