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  • добавлен 1 апреля 2015 г.
Insiders - Outsiders
Langenscheidt, 1996. - 56 pages. (Literature Viewfinder).
Пять рассказов о том, как быть аутсайдером, предоставляют богатый материал для дискуссии. С объяснениями слов и выражений (на английском), заданиями и черно-белыми иллюстрациями.
Five Short Stories.
With annotations and tasks.
Edited and annotated by Liesel Hermes.
Wendy Wallace: Karif.
Jane Gardam: Swan.
Elizabeth Raintree: Sumac on a Sunday.
Jane Stone: The Man.
Ron Butlin: The German Boy.
How does it feel to be an outsider? Everyone will
have experienced what it means not to belong
to a group, to be different, isolated, alone,
possibly in a foreign country whose language
and people one does not know sufficiently or
maybe at all.
How do "insiders" treat "outsiders"? they may
ignore, isolate or harass or accept and tolerate
them, This is what this anthology is about. Five
contemporary authors have written about children
and adults from different countries and cultures
(Bangladeshi, Chinese, English, German,
Native American) who are all trying to cope with
diverse problems faced by outsiders.
The stories offer unusual perspectives, children's,
adolescents' and adults' points of view - and
food for thought and discussion.
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