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  • добавлен 13 февраля 2010 г.
Janne E. Nolan. Diplomacy and Security in the Twenty-first Century
Institute for the Study of Diplomacy.
Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service.
Georgetown University, Washington, D.C. 20057–1025.
© 2009 by the Institute for the Study of Diplomacy.

Preface ix.
Genesis of the Project ix.
The Current Study.
Core Project Themes and Questions.
The Case Studies.
The Key Questions for Each Case.
Highlights of Key Findings.
The Decision-making Process.
Quality of Intelligence.
Policy Tools.
Quality of Discourse.
Regional Dynamics.
U.S. Strategy to Stem North Korea’s.
Nuclear Program: Assessing the.
Clinton and Bush Legacies.
Summary of Key Themes in the Study Group Discussion.
Summary of Findings.
The Decison-making Process.
Quality of Intelligence.
Policy Tools.
Quality of Discourse.
Regional Dynamics.
Net Assessment.
ndia, Pakistan, and U.S. Nuclear Diplomacy.
Summary of Findings.
The Decision-making Process.
Quality of Intelligence.
Policy Tools.
Quality of Discourse.
Regional Dynamics.
Net Assessment.
Disarming Libya: A Case of Covert Diplomacy?
Summary of Key Themes in the Study Group Discussion.
Summary of Findings.
The Decision-making Process.
Quality of Intelligence.
Policy Tools.
Quality of Discourse.
Regional Dynamics.
Net Assessment.
ran: The Struggle for Domestic Consensus.
Summary of Key Themes in the Study Group Discussion.
Summary of Findings.
The Decision-making Process.
Quality of Intelligence.
Policy Tools.
Quality of Discourse.
Regional Dynamics.
Net Assessment.
List of Participants.
North Korea Working Group.
ndia-Pakistan Working Group.
Libya Working Group Meeting.
ran Working Group Meeting.
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