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Kleiser Grenville. Fifteen Thousand Useful Phrases
LSD файл, скомпилированный под оболочку словаря Lingvo x
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15,000 useful phrases (en-en).
Fifteen thousand useful phrases a practical handbook of pertinent expressions, striking similes, literary. Commercial, conversational, and oratorical terms, for the embellishment of speech and literature, and the improvement of the vocabulary of those persons who read, write, and speak English
By a former instructor in public speaking at Yale Вivinity school, Yale Гniversity, author of "how to speak in public," "how to develop power and personality in speaking," "how to develop self-confidence in speech and manner," "how to argue and win," "how to read and declaim," "complete guide to public speaking," etc.
Copyright, 1917, by funk & wagnalls company
Number of headings / entries: 15,514 / 15,514.