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  • добавлен 26 ноября 2012 г.
Lewman J., Lewman C. Build Toy Airplanes - 10 Full-Size All Wood Toy Airplane Patterns
Toymaker Press, 2010. - 56 с.
Книга предназначена для любителей деревообработки. Создание деревянных игрушек - 10 разнообразных самолетов с чертежами.
You’ll enjoy building your own fleet of airplanes with this book of 10 airplanes wood toy plans. Build Toy Airplanes - full-color book features 10 exciting, original and easy to build mode toy airplane designs. All you need is common lumber and dowels, basic woodworking tools, a little time and some sandpaper and you’re ready to get started. Finishing tips include adding a soft radius to each edge, painting each airplane with non-toxic paints or stains then applying several coats of clear non-toxic polyurethane enamel. You’ll love the laughs and giggles from kids and adults when they see your latest creations.