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  • добавлен 24 ноября 2012 г.
Mante Harald. Serial Photography: Using Themed Images to Improve Your Photographic Skills
Rocky Nook Inc., 2011. — 161 p.
В книге предлагается авторский метод совершенствования профессиональных навыков фотографа с помощью съемки объекта сериями кадров с вариацией условий и последующим анализом результатов.
One of the most promising ways to improve as a photographer is through the use of serial photography - a method that author Harald Mante has used and taught throughout his career.
In Serial Photography: Using Themed Images to Improve Your Photographic Skills, Mante explains how to focus your photographic work on themes, objects, shapes, colors, and moods, rather than randomly searching for that one great shot. After putting his methods into practice, you will soon notice that you are able to train yourself to look at things in new and exciting ways. And by continuously adding new images to your collections, you will improve the quality of your photographic work.