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Mechanics of Composite Materials 1986 Vol.22 №06 November
МКМ публикует результаты оригинальных экспериментальных и теоретических исследований свойств и поведения композитных материалов, а также матриц и волокон. Особое внимание уделяется следующим проблемам:
— разрушение и усталость композитных материалов (их виды и причины, длительная прочность, кинетика разрушения на всех его стадиях, механизм разрушения контактных областей между компонентами в композитах, методика расчета и технология изготовления материалов с оптимальными характеристиками сопротивления разрушению);
— методы оптимального проектирования композитныx материалов и конструкций из них;
— прогнозирование длительных свойств;
— вопросы старения, неразрушающий контроль;
— механические аспекты технологии;
— композиты в гражданском строительстве и инфраструктуре;
— механика нанокомпозитов.
Editorial Board: A. K. Chate, J. O. Jansons (ass. editor), M. M. Kalniņš, R. D. Maksimov, E. Plūme, R. B. Rikards, G. A. Teters.
Advisory Board: S. D. Akbarov (Turkey), H. Altenbach (Germany), L. Aghalovyan (Armenia), S. A. Ambartsumyan (Armenia), L. Asp (Sweden), A. Bogdanovich (USA), J. Brauns (Latvia), J. Vaa (Sweden), V. V. Vasilyev (Russia), A. N. Guz’ (Ukraine), A. Duda (Germany), A. D. Zamanov (Azerbaijan), I. V. Knēts (Latvia), V. V. Kovriga (Russia), S. T. Mileiko (Russia), V. G. Piskunov (Ukraine), Yu. M. Pleskachevskii (Belarus), B. E. Pobedrya (Russia), V. A. Polyakov (Latvia), G. G. Portnov (Latvia), R. Talreja (USA), K. S. Han (Korea), W. Hwang (Korea), N. Shcherbina (Ukraine), O. R. Yurkevich (Belarus).
M. K. Petrosyan, Yu. M. Tovmasyan, I. G. Kuznetsova. Fractographic analysis of the plastic failure of thermoplastic binders
V. P. Belyakov, V. A. Danilov, A. P. Makushkin. Structural heterogeneity and multiplet temperature transitions in an epoxy binder
Yu. P. Zezin. Effect of hydrostatic pressure on the viscosity of failure of polymeric materials
P. A. Pavlov, K. A. Kosov. Resistance of partially crystalline polymeric materials to cyclic loading in the plane stressed state
Yu. A. Kostandov, A. A. Skoblin, S. I. Fedorkin. Fractographic analysis of crack propagation in dynamic loading
E. M. Filyanov. Structural aspects of deformation of solid cross-linked polymers
R. A. Veselovskii, A. Yu. Filipovich. Effect of the properties of boundary layers of thermose tting plastics on the adhesive strength of adhesive compounds
S. Yu. Gudymov, V. P. Volodin, I. S. Lishanskii. Dynamic mechanical properties of unidirectional short-fibered polymer composites
M. G. Gringauz, G. P. Starikovskii, L. A. Fil'shtinskii. Averaging of the properties of hybrid fibrous composites
V. A. Mol'kov, O. É. Gurgova. Moduli of elasticity of hybrid unidirectional fibrous composite
V. E. Yudin, A. M. Leksovskii, G. Kh. Narzullaev. Effect of dissipative properties of the binder on the process of failure of carbon-reinforced plastics
I. I. Sapragonas, R. E. Lyavinskas, A. N. Machyulis. Strength and viscoelastic properties of composite materials incorporating carbamido-formaldehyde binder
V. A. Kotov. Effect of structural and processing parameters of the reinforcement on the strength of unidirectional metalfiber composites under different types of loading
Ya. A. Gravitis, R. É. Tééyaér, U. L. Kallavus. Biocomposite structure of wood cell membranes and their destruction by explosive autohydrolysis
S. P. Yushanov, A. E. Bogdanovich. Method of computing the reliability of imperfect laminar cylindrical shells with allowance for scatter in the strength characteristics of the composite material
M. A. Kanibolotskii, Yu. S. Urzhumtsev. Equivalence of problems of the optimum design of structures in macro- and microlaminate formulations
B. S. Reznikov. Calculation of the strength of structures of reinforced materials by the Monte Carlo method
V. K. Lvanov. Momentless joining of the cylindrical part and head of a constant-pressure cylinder
M. I. Semin, I. P. Leonov, A. I. Shevtsov. Theoretical-experimental approach to evaluating the strength of laminated composites in the region of a detachable joint
Yu. G. Yanovskii, G. V. Vinogradov, V. V. Barancheeva. Characteristics of the display of viscoelastic properties of composite materials based on flexible-chain polymers in the presence of fillers of various activity
V. M. Vigak, Ya. L. Lisevich. Optimizing control over the nonstationary temperature regime of a thermoelastic orthotropic cylinder
S. G. Kulichikhin. Kinetics of change of the physical and mechanical properties of binders during curing
S. K. Kanaun, A. Ya. Gol'dman, L. T. Kudryavtseva. Predicting the viscoelastic properties of matrix polymer composites with inclusions of complex structure
T. A. Starzhenetskaya, I. N. Cherskii. Effect of moisture and low temperatures on the properties of polymeric and composite materials
V. P. Nikolaev, V. D. Popov, N. F. Savel'eva. Check tests on composite materials, produced by winding, using reference specimens