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  • размер 112,24 МБ
  • добавлен 08 октября 2015 г.
METT - Micro expression Training Tool (программа, позволяющая обучить распознаванию эмоций по выражению лица)
Год выпуска: 2003
Страна: USA
Жанр: психология
Язык: Только английский
Описание: METT is self-paced, interactive online training that will improve your ability to recognize microexpressions of concealed emotion.
You will lea to recognize the concealed signs of all seven universally expressed emotions: anger, fear, disgust, contempt, surprise, sadness, and happiness.
The training begins with a pre-test to measure your current skill level. Next, you will go through the only training scientifically proven to improve your ability to recognize microexpressions. You will then have the opportunity to practice your new skills in the interactive practice section of the training. Finally, you will take a post-test to see how much you have improved. If you reach 80% accuracy on the post-test you will receive a certificate of proficiency. If you reach 95% accuracy you will receive a certificate of expertise.
Инструкция по установке:
Монтируете образ в ALcohol или Daemon Tools.