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  • размер 5,28 МБ
  • добавлен 24 сентября 2016 г.
Meverden Becky. Elegant Knotted Jewelry: Techniques and Projects Using Maedeup
Krause Publ, 2009. — 128 p. — ISBN 978-0-89689-818-9.
Книга посвящена созданию украшений с помощью плетения узлов. Пошаговые инструкции, которые проведут вас через 10 вариантов традиционных корейских узлов. 30 красивых, элегантных проектов, объединяющих методы, описанные в книге, обновляют это традиционное искусство в 21 веке. Советы по разработке и планированию своих оригинальных ювелирных украшений.
Now you can discover the beautiful, traditional craft of maedeup, as you create gorgeous jewelry projects using colorful cording and beads. Author Becky Meverden first shows you how to create the knots themselves, then how to use them in projects from a simple pair of knotted earrings to an intricate dragonfly necklace and a mode wire plus cord watch.
Elegant Knotted Jewelry includes everything you'll need to know to create your own maedeup jewelry:
Step-by-step instructions that guide you through tying 10 traditional Korean knots
30 beautiful, elegant projects incorporating the techniques you've leaed, updating this traditional art for the 21st Century
Tips on designing and planning your own original maedeup jewelry—information on everything from how to calculate the amount of cording you'll need to how to tighten the knots
Insight into the history and culture behind the craft
Whether you're a knowledgeable knot crafter or new to knots, Elegant Knotted Jewelry will inspire you to explore the world of Korean knots and create beautiful maedeup jewelry.