Информатика и вычислительная техника
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  • добавлен 21 сентября 2010 г.
Null L., Lobur J. The essentials of computer organization and architecture
Иллюстрированное учебное пособие. Jones and Bartlett Publishers, 2003. 705 p.
Книга посвящена архитектуре и организации ЭВМ. Современные вычислительные системы рассмотрены на различных уровнях: от низкоуровневых аппаратурных средств до выскоуровнего программного обеспечения. Большое внимание уделено построению цифровых устройств для обработки данных.

The Main Components of a Computer
An Example System: Wading through the Jargon
Standards Organizations
Historical Development
The Computer Level Hierarchy
The von Neumann Model
Non-von Neumann Models
Positional Numbering Systems
Decimal to Binary Conversions
Signed Integer Representation
Floating-Point Representation
Character Codes
Codes for Data Recording and Transmission
Error Detection and Correction
Boolean Algebra
Logic Gates
Digital Components
Combinational Circuits
Sequential Circuits
Designing Circuits
Instruction Processing
A Simple Program
A Discussion on Assemblers
Extending Our Instruction Set
A Discussion on Decoding
Real-World Examples of Computer Architectures
Instruction Formats
Instruction Types
Instruction-Level Pipelining
Types of Memory
The Memory Hierarchy
Cache Memory
Virtual Memory
A Real-World Example of Memory Management
Amdahl’s Law
I/O Architectures
Magnetic Disk Technology
Optical Disks
Magnetic Tape
Data Compression
Operating Systems
Protected Environments
Programming Tools
Java: All of the Above
Database Software
Transaction Managers
RISC Machines
Flynn’s Taxonomy
Parallel and Multiprocessor Architectures
Alteative Parallel Processing Approaches
The basic computer performance equation
Mathematical preliminaries
CPU Performance Optimization
Disk Performance
Early Business Computer Networks
Early Academic and Scientific Networks
Network Protocols I: ISO/OSI Protocol Unification
Network Protocols II: TCP/IP Network Architecture
Network Organization
High-Capacity Digital Links
A Look at the Inteet
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