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Химия и химическая промышленность
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  • добавлен 05 декабря 2011 г.
Nyanhongo Gibson Stephen, Steiner Walter, G?bitz Georg M. Biofunctionalization of Polymers and their Applications (Advances in Biochemical Engineering Biotechnology 125)
Springer, 2011. - 304 р.

Chitin, Chitosan and Derivatives for Wound Healing and Tissue Engineering
Polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA) and their Applications
Enzymatic Polymer Functionalisation: Advances in Laccase and Peroxidase Derived Lignocellulose Functional Polymers
Lipases in Polymer Chemistry, by Bahar Yeniad, Hemantkumar Naik and Andreas Heise.-Enzymes for the Biofunctionalization of Poly(Ethylene Terephthalate)
Biology of Human Hair: Know Your Hair to Control It
Recombinamers: Combining Molecular Complexity with Diverse Bioactivities for Advanced Biomedical and Biotechnological Applications
Biomimetic Materials for Medical Application Through Enzymatic Modification
Supramolecular Polymers Based on Cyclodextrins for Drug and Gene Carrier Delivery
Engineering Liposomes and Nanoparticles for Biological Targeting
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Babel W., Steinbuchel A., Blanch H. (ed.) Biopolyesters

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Advances in Biochemical Engineering, Biotechnology, Vol. 71 - Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2001. - 325 р. Living systems synthesize seven different classes of polymers. They provide structure and form for cells and organisms, function as catalysts and energy storage and carry the genetic information. All these polymers possess technically interesting properties. Some of these biopolymers are already used commercially. This special volume of...

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Derived from the fourth edition of the well-known Plastics Technology Handbook, Industrial CRC, 2008. - 432 pages. Polymers, Specialty Polymers, and Their Applications covers a wide range of general and special types of polymers, along with a wealth of information about their applications. The book first focuses on commonly used industrial polymers, including polypropylenes, low- and high-density polyethylenes, and poly(vinyl chloride), as well...

Encyclopedia of Polymer Sceince and Technology. Volume 1

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Volume 1 - John Wiley & Sons, Inc, 2005. 1. Acetylenic Polymers, Substituted 2. Acrylamide Polymers 3. Acrylic (and Methacrylic) Acid Polymers 4. Acrylic Ester Polymers 5. Acrylonitrile and Acrylonitrile Polymers 6. Acrylonitrile—Butadiene—Styrene Polymers 7. Additives 8. Adhesion 9. Adhesive Compounds 10. Aging, Physical 11. Alkyd Resins 12. Amino Resins 13. Antifoaming Agents 14. Atomic Force Microscopy 15. Biotechnology Applications 16. B...

Encyclopedia of Polymer Sceince and Technology. Volume 2

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Volume 2 - John Wiley & Sons, Inc, 2005. 1. Coextrusion 2. Colorants 3. Coloring Processes 4. Composites, Fabrication 5. Critical Phase Polymerizations 6. Cyclohexanedimethanol Polyesters 7. Dendronized Polymers 8. Dental Applications 9. Diacetylene and Triacetylene Polymers 10. Elasticity, Rubber-like 11. Electronic Packaging 12. Electrooptical Applications 13. Electropolymerization 14. Engineering Thermoplastics, Overview 15. Enzymatic Poly...

Fried J.R. Polymer Science and Technology. (Фрид Дж.Р. Химия и технология полимеров)

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2nd ed. – New Jersey, Prentice Hall PTR, 1995. – 509 p. Introduction to polymer science. The synthesis of high polymers. Solution properties, thermodynamics, and molecular-weight determination. The solid-state properties of polymers. Viscoelasticity and rubber elasticity. Degradation, stadility, and environmental issues. Polymer additives. Blends, and composites. Commodity thermoplastics and fibers. Network polymers: elastomers and tuermosets. En...

Hu J. Adaptive and Functional Polymers Textiles and Their Applications

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Imperial College Press. 2011. 416 p. Adaptive polymers include those which are responsive to different stimuli - namely physical, mechanical, chemical and biological - with controlled and/or predicable behavior. Many technological breakthroughs and scientific advances have been made in the last few decades and this volume aims to cover the most up-to-date studies and achievements in some adaptive polymers, in terms of principles of adaptiveness,...

Leblanc J.L. Filled Polymers: Science and Industrial Applications

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CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, 2010, 428 pages, ISBN: 1439800421 Based on the author’s 30 years of research and engineering activities in the field of complex polymer systems, this volume is a comprehensive survey of the many aspects of rubber and thermoplastic filled polymers. It demonstrates their commonalities and the scientific background behind their many industrial applications and also analyzes theoretical considerations which ex...

Meier M.A.R., Webster D.C. (eds.) Polymer Libraries [Advances in Polymer Science 225]

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Springer. 2010. 162 p. This is truly an exciting time to be in the field of polymer science. Advances in polymerization methods are providing polymer scientists with the ability to specify and control polymer composition, structure, architecture, and molecular weight to a degree that was not possible just a decade ago. This, in turn, is resulting in many novel application possibilities of polymers ranging from drug delivery systems and nanolitho...

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3rd ed., CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, 2007, Pages: 640 Handbook of Conducting Polymers Many significant fundamental concepts and practical applications have developed since the publication of the best-selling second edition of the Handbook of Conducting Polymers. Now divided into two books, the third edition continues to retain the excellent expertise of the editors and world-renowned contributors while providing superior coverage of...

Stein Richard S. (Chair). Polymer Science and Engineering

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Committee on Polymer Science and Engineering, Board on Chemical Sciences and Technology, Commission on Physical Sciences, Mathematics, and Applications, National Research Council National Academy Press, 1994. - 198 pages. Polymers are used in everything from nylon stockings to commercial aircraft to artificial heart valves, and they play a key role in addressing environmental problems, international competitiveness, and other national issues. Thi...