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  • добавлен 11 декабря 2010 г.
Обзор - Radar Signal Processing with Graphics Processors (GPUs) - 2010 - 127 с
The potential of the GPU as a heavy duty co-processor.
GPGPU: A concise history.
CUDA: History and future.
An introduction to CUDA enabled hardware.
Nvidia GT200 family GPU hardware.
Nvidia Quadro FX 4800 graphics board.
CUDA Programming.
CUDA Optimizing.
Experience of programming with CUDA and OpenCL.
Fermi and the future of CUDA.
Overview of benchmarks.
Benchmark results.
Feasibility for radar signal processing.
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Cherniakov М. Bistatic Radar: Emerging Technology

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2008 John Wiley & Sons Ltd, 418 p.p. CONTENTS Fundamentals of Bistatic Synthetic Aperture Radar Spaceborne Bistatic Synthetic Aperture Radar Bistatic SAR for Earth Observation Spaceborne Interferometric and Multistatic SAR Systems Airborne Bistatic Synthetic Aperture Radar Space-Surface Bistatic SAR Passive Bistatic Radar Systems Ambiguity Function Correction in Passive Radar: DTV-T Signal Passive Bistatic SAR with GNSS Transmitters Ionosphe...

Clay Stewart. Synthetic Aperture Radar Algorithms. 2000 - 15 с

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Introduction. Image Formation. Side-Looking Airborne Radar (SLAR). Unfocused Synthetic. Aperture Radar. Focused Synthetic Aperture Radar. SAR Image Enhancement. Automatic Object Detection and Classification in SAR. Imagery.

D.K. Barton, S.A. Leonov. Radar technology encyclopedia

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Artech House Boston. London, 1998. The Radar Technology Encyclopedia is a joint product of leading United States and Russian radar experts with decades of experience on design, development, and test of state-ofthe- art radar systems and technology. The Encyclopedia covers the entire field of radar fundamentals, design, engineering, systems, subsystems, and major components. It contains about 5000 entries, each giving the depicted term definition,...

Farina A. Radar data processing volume II Advanced topics and applucations N.Y. 1987

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Preface to Volume II As indicated in Vol. I (есть перевод на русский том 1 на сайте), much recent interest has centred around the study and application of automatic data processing in radar systems. Vol. II covers more specialised topics, namely: tracking with netted radar, computer simulation of tracking algorithms for performance evaluation, applications of RDP in both civil and military areas and computer requirements for implementation...

Farina A., Gazzini M. Radar fusion to detect dim targets

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Signal Processing 80 (2000) 1833}1847 Abstract This paper explores the bene"t of combining the data of a microwave phased-array radar with those of a low-frequency radar to detect and track a target with a low radar cross-section. The microwave phased-array radar has a fairly good target location accuracy that can be fruitfully combined with the good detection capabilities of the low-frequency radar. One technical problem to solve is the determin...

Grant Rebecca. The radar game. Understanding stealth and aircraft survivability

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Published 1998 by IRIS Independent Research. - 59 pp. Table of Contents. Introduction. Survivability Before Radar. The Radar Game Begins. The Postwar Radar Game. Winning the Radar Game. Signature Reduction and Mission Planning. Low Observables in the Operational Environment. Conclusion: The Future of Stealth.

Mahafza B.R., Elsherbeni A.F. MATLAB Simulations for Radar Systems Design

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Страниц: 686 качество скана: отличное, есть закладки(bookmarks) Оценка на amazon.com: 4 человека из 5 отметили книгу пятью звёздочками. Simulation is integral to the successful design of modern radar systems, and there is arguably no better software for this purpose than MATLAB. But software and the ability to use it does not guarantee success. One must also: ?Understand radar operations and design philosophy?Know how to select the radar param...

Nathanson F.E., Reilly J.P., Cohen M.N. Radar Design Principles

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SciTech Publishing, 1999, 720 pages, english, this is a reprinting of the 1991 edition originally published by McGraw-Hill Preface. The first version of this book was written in the late 1960s. At that time the relationships between the radar waveform, the carrier frequency, the signal processing, and the environment were understood well enough to project some highly capable systems. The digital age was just beginning, but implementation was sti...

Skolnik M. Radar handbook (2008)

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Radar Handbook, Third Edition. The McGraw-Hill Companies, 2008. - 1351 p. PREFACE Radar is an important example of an electrical engineering system. In university engineering courses, the emphasis usually is on the basic tools of the electrical engineer such as circuit design, signals, solid state, digital processing, electronic devices, electromagnetics, automatic control, microwaves, and so forth. But in the real world of electrical engineering...

Space-Time Adaptive Processing for Radar

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The burgeoning popularity of space-time adaptive processing (STAP) is easily demonstrated with a quick keyword search. Although originally coined for airborne multichannel moving target indicator (MTI) radar [1, 2], the acronym has been adopted in many disciplines in which joint adaptive sensor temporal and spatial processing are performed (e.g. , multidimensional adaptive filtering). Although a widely published topic, there is a void in book-for...