Химия и химическая промышленность
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  • добавлен 13 ноября 2011 г.
Oglesby, Lloyd Scott. Glitter, the Chemistry and Techniques
Published by American Fireworks News, 1989. - 82 p.
In 1974 I published a hypothetical chemistry of glitter. Few comments were received on that article. In the intervening nine years the research done has validated the hypothesis. The implications of the theory have been explored; practical applications of the theory are explored in this paper. Most of the literature of pyrotechnics contains statements to the effect that formulas are only a guide, but that is the end of the advice as to how to use the guide or progress beyond the guide. This is a How to proceed beyond the formula guide for glitter.
Throughout the following pages the term sulfide melt is used. The older term sulfide fusion could have been used, but it implies laboratory fusions in crucibles. Sulfide melt is used here to denote potassium sulfide or potassium sulfides in molten condition with or without other chemicals in solution or suspension within the molten potassium sulfide, or sulfides. The redox chemistry of sulfide fusions is not well known. This redox chemistry has industrial application only to the fireworks industry. Since only the fireworks industry has a commercial interest in this chemistry there is no funding for research. Additionally, the sulfides share with tellurium the rotten eggs smell and other foul stenches. Few chemist are willing to tolerate the foul stench or the reactions of others to the strange reek they emit upon emerging from the laboratory where "stinky chemistry" is being elucidated. The story of the most famous tellurium chemist, his banishment from the chemistry department of his university, social ostracism, divorce, etc. is often told with humorous epithets.

Sienko Hanabi
First Formulations
More Complex Formulations
Importance of Antimony Sulfide
Flitter vs. Glitter
Binders & Wet Reactions
Maximizing the Effect
Effects of Charcoal
Adding Flake Aluminum
Base Mix
Other Mixing Techniques
Designing the Effects
Studying Past Art
Formulating the Mix
Похожие разделы
  1. Академическая и специальная литература
  2. Безопасность жизнедеятельности и охрана труда
  3. Пожаровзрывобезопасность
  1. Академическая и специальная литература
  2. Военные дисциплины
  3. Баллистика и динамика выстрела
  4. Боеприпасы
  1. Академическая и специальная литература
  2. Военные дисциплины
  3. Баллистика и динамика выстрела
  4. Энергонасыщенные материалы военного назначения
  1. Академическая и специальная литература
  2. Военные дисциплины
  3. Инженерная подготовка
  4. Минно-взрывная подготовка
  1. Академическая и специальная литература
  2. Военные дисциплины
  3. Оружие и военная техника
  4. Журналы про оружие и военную технику
  1. Академическая и специальная литература
  2. Геологические науки и горное дело
  3. Буровзрывные работы
  1. Академическая и специальная литература
  2. Геологические науки и горное дело
  3. Горное дело
  4. Вентиляция и дегазация
  1. Академическая и специальная литература
  2. Топливно-энергетический комплекс
  3. Топливо и теория горения
  1. Академическая и специальная литература
  2. Транспорт
  3. Двигатели внутреннего сгорания (ДВС)
  4. Процессы газообмена, смесеобразования и сгорания в ДВС
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