  • формат doc
  • размер 62,81 КБ
  • добавлен 06 декабря 2013 г.
Ответы на вопросы госэкзамена по сравнительной грамматике
ДонГТУ, Алчевск, 2013г, 27 с.
Typological characteristics of the noun (classes, morphological categories, singularia and pluralia tantum nouns) in the contrasted languages.
Morphological, functional and other isomorphic and allomorphic features of different classes of adjective in the contrasted languages. Gradibility of qualitative adjectives
The numeral. Classes of numerals and their isomorphic/allomorphic features in the contrasted languages
Isomorphism and allomorphism in the classes of verbs in the contrasted languages. Ways of expressing morphological categories.
Ways of Expressing Morphological Categories
. The expression of the category of person in Ukrainian imperative mood
Isomorphism and allomorphism in the system of verbals of the contrasted languages.
Characteristics of English vs. Ukrainian statives, ways of their formation and combinability
Semantic groups of modal words/phrases in English and Ukrainian, and their origin
Isomorphism and allomorphism in the structural forms and types of word-groups of the contrasted languages
Type of syntactic connection in English in Ukrainian
Predicative word-groups
Structural types of simple sentences in the contrasted languages. One-word sentences/Quasi-sentences.
Typology of the composite sentence in the contrasted languages. The compound sentence in English and Ukrainian.