Лексико-стилистический анализ / Analysis of Vocabulary and Style
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Полный анализ текста Ragtime Аракин 4 курс
Some words about author, the subject-matter of the extract, main themes, the manner of presentation, the prevailing mood, discription of the main characters, a summary of the extract.
The composition, the choice of vocabulary and language means (EM and SD) employed by the author.
Полный анализ текста. Сведения об авторе, краткое описание сюжета, превалирующих тем, описание основных действующих лиц, методы их характеризации,композиция, выбор вокабуляра и стилистических приемов.
Всего: 2 страницы.
Пример текста: Author uses anaphora and parallel construtions for describing simple actions of The Mother:“She told him to wait and closed the door. She climbed to the third floor. She found the girl Sarah….” All actions are very strict and precise. Like some kind of a report.
The man decides to come to the kitchen where, in the warmth of the comer near the cookstove, Sarah’s baby sleeps. Metaphor “the warmth of the comer ”shows us gentle, affectionate attitude of Coalhouse to this child.