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Schenkel C.J. The Electrical Resistivity Method in Cased Boreholes
Califoia: Engineering Geoscience University of Califoia and Earth Sciences Division Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory University of Califoia Berkeley, 1991. 373 pages
В книге приведено описания физических основ,та возможности проведения электрокаротажа в скважинах, обсаженных стальными колоннами
integral equation formulation
green’S function solution
consistency. Accuracy .
Numerical analysis of casing effects
resisт measurement through casing
field example . Downhole to surface resist" Survey
appendix a green's Function .
Appendix b numerical Approximation: Method of Moments
Appendix c axisymmetric Green's Function
Appendix d components
Appendix e surface Gradient Integral