• формат audio
  • размер 68,81 МБ
  • добавлен 24 ноября 2013 г.
Setälä E.N. (составитель) et al. Linguaphone Suomen Kielen Kurssi/ Linguaphone Finnish Language Course Audio Drills
The Linguaphone Institute, 1999.
Язык: финский, английский
Качество звука: 192 кбит/сек.
The Linguaphone is an ideal system of instruction for the leaing of a foreign language. It is now published in more than 20 languages and is in use in practically every country.
The course is equally suitable for children and adults, for entire beginners and for those who have acquired a theoretical knowledge of the language and wish to become efficient in the spoken language.
Аудио упражнения к урокам учебника.