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Шпаргалка по страноведению Великобритании
ТГПУ им.Л.Н. Толстого, Тула, 18 стр., 2010 г.
Шпаргалка по страноведению Великобритании, в которой кратко и лаконично рассказано об основных исторических событиях страны и ее особенностях.
Monarchy – functions and powers
The House of Commons. Elections
The House of Lords. The British Constitution
The work of parliament – bills
The Govement
Britain in the world. The USA. Europe
Political Parties
British economy and trade in XXI century
Economic regions and industries
The country and its name. Territory
The Commonwealth
Britain’s history in brief and some cultural points (symbols)
Population, nationality, mentality
Geographical position (the seas, relief, rivers and lakes)
British climate, vegetation, wildlife, natural resources
British cultural life
Admission to the university. Four types of universities
Teaching and leaing at most British universities
British mass media
Health service in Britain