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  • добавлен 05 января 2013 г.
Шпаргалка - Сравнительная грамматика английского и немецкого языка
Вуз: КазНУ имени аль-Фараби, Алматы, Казахстан.
Преподаватель: Куличенко Ю.Д.
2012 г. - 13 стр.
Comparative linguistics.
Methods of comparative linguistics.
History of comparative linguistics.
Comparative method in linguistics.
Related fields of comparative linguistics.
Demonstrating genetic relationship and terminological system of language.
Origin and development of the comparative method.
What is grammar.
The main information about grammar.
Grammar frameworks.
History of development of grammar as separate scientific branch.
Developments of grammars.
Cognitive grammar and basic grammar units.
Definition of cognitive grammar.
Some features of English, German and French idioms.
Parts of speech and parts of sentence.
Parts of speech.
Parts of sentence.
Phonetic system of English.
Phonetic system of second foreign language.
Language as a system of sounds.
The morphological structure of English words.
The morphological structure of a word.
Morphology of second foreign language.
Types of morphemes.
Morphemes and allomorphs.
The grammatical category of Future tense in English.
The grammatical category of Future tense in second foreign language.
The grammatical category of Present tense in English.
The grammatical category of Present tense in second foreign language.
Structural types of words.
Principles of morphemic analysis.
Word-building in English.
Word-building in English: composition: structural and semantic aspects.
Word-building in English: conversion, abbreviation.
Abbreviations in English.\
What is article?
Types of articles.
Role of article in grammatical structure of second foreign language.
Role of article in grammatical structure of English, German and French.
Variation of articles among languages.
Nouns and pronouns in English.
Classification of nouns in English.
Types of pronouns in English.
Nouns and pronouns in second foreign language.
Classification of nouns in second foreign language.
Nouns and pronouns in German and French.
Classification of English verbs.
The system of verbs in second foreign language.
Classification of verbs.
Adjectives in English.
Classification of adjectives.
Syntactic functions of adjectives.
Adjectives in second foreign language.
The grammatical category of Past tense in second foreign language.