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  • добавлен 12 апреля 2009 г.
Шпаргалки по теоретической фонетике
Problems of phonostylistics.
The Classification of Phonetic Styles.
The phoneme.
The phoneme and its allophones.
The phoneme theory and its main trends.
Methods of phonetic analysis.
Еypes of oppositions.
The system of phonemes.
Classification of consonants by the degree of noise.
Occlusive and Constrictive consonants.
Labial, lingual, glottal consonants.
Modifications of consonants.
Diphthongs and diphthongoids.
Modifications of vowels.
Sound alteations.
Stylistic modification of sounds.
Syllable and it`s functions.
The syllabic structure.
The accentual structure of words.
The functions of intonation.
Structural, semantic and sound devices for producing rhythmicality.
Stylistic use of intonation.
Styles: informational, academic, publicistic, declamatory, conversational.
Functional styles.
ntonation and language teaching.
ariants of English.
Spread in English.
English-based pronunciation standarts of English.
Received Pronunciation.
Changes in the standart.
General American.