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Шпоры - Теоретическая грамматика английского языка
ВГУ, РБ, коллектив авторов, 31 стр., язык - английский. Вопросы к экзамену по теоретической грамматике английского языка.
Morphology and syntax as parts of grammar. Grammatical units.
Paradigmatic and syntagmatic relations of words.
Main grammatical notions.
Method of opposition. Types of oppositional reduction.
Structure of words. Types of morphemes.
Means of form-building in English.
Parts of speech. Principles of classification.
H.Sweet’s classification of words into parts of speech.
Ch.Frie’s syntactico-distributional classification of words.
Notional and functional classes of words.
General characteristics of the noun as a part of speech.
Different approaches to N+N structures.
The number category of the noun.
The theory of positional cases.
The theory of prepositional cases.
The theory of the possessive postposition.
Semantic subtypes of the genetive case.
The noun. Gender.
The article. General Characteristics.
Different approaches to the number and meaning of the article.
General characteristics of the verb as a part of speech.
Categories expression time in English.
The aspect cateory. Different views on the number and kinds of aspects in Enlish.
The voice category. General characteristics.
Different views on the number and kinds of voices in English.
Peculiarities of passive constructions in English.
The problem of be + Participle II.
Means of expressing modality in English.
The cateory of mood. The Imperetive mood.
The Subjunctive mood.
Verbals. The Infinitive.
The Participle.
The Gerund.
General characteristics of the adjective as a part of speech.
The degree category of the adjective.
The adverb. General characteristics.
The degree category of the adverb.
The Adlink. General characteristics.
The preposition.
The conjunction.
The phrase. General characteristics.
Principles of classification of phrases and types of relations between its constituents.
Ways of expressing syntactical relations between components of a phrase.
The sentence as a main unit of syntax.
Predicativity. Predication.
Principles of classification of sentences.
One-member sentences an elliptical sentences.
Syntactic categories. Sentence paradigm.