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  • добавлен 21 декабря 2015 г.
Srinivasachari K. Learn Malayalam in 30 days through Telugu
Madras, India: Balaji Publications, 1981. — 169 p.
Шринивасачари К. 30-дневный курс языка малаялам для телугу-язычных (на телугу яз.)
The 30 days or rather the 30 quarter-hours of the Scheme, with a quarter of an hour a dayfor 30 days, would fuish one with a veritable key to one's converse with the Malayalis. It is indeed desirable that the author and the publisher continue their co-operation yet further and supplement the key with adequate follow-ups, so that the desire bo of acquaintance may find its due fulfilment in greater intimacy and the resultant richer harvest of a cultural and national nature to the nation and the people.