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Sсiеncе 2016 №6288 May 20 Vol. 352
Washington, DC: AAAS, 2016. — 172 p. — ISSN 0036-8075
Science is the world's leading joual of original scientific research, global news, and commentary.
It the academic joual of the American Association for the Advancement of Science and is considered one of the world's most prestigious scientific jouals. The major focus of the joual is publishing important original scientific research and research reviews, but Science also publishes science-related news, opinions on science policy and other matters of interest to scientists and others who are conceed with the wide implications of science and technology. Although most scientific jouals focus on a specific field, Science and its rival Nature cover the full range of scientific disciplines.
From the contents
Studies that intentionally infect peoplewith pathogens have a checkered past, but they are seeing a resurgence
Ingenuity: Nextgen’s Vision
Research Articles
The tumor microenvironment underlies acquired resistance to CSF-1R inhibition in gliomas
The radical mechanism of biological methane synthesis by methyl-coenzyme M reductase
City-integrated renewable energy for urban sustainability
Emerging solutions to the water challenges of an urbanizing world
Ubiquitous signatures of nematic quantum criticality in optimally doped Fe-based superconductors
Rewritable artifi cial magnetic charge ice
Supercurrent in the quantum Hall regime
Quantifying the promotion of Cu catalysts by ZnO for methanol synthesis
Self-assembly of noble metal monolayers on transition metal carbide nanoparticle catalysts
Perching and takeof of a robotic insect on overhangs using switchable electrostatic adhesion
Control of neuronal synapse specifi cation by a highly dedicated alteative splicing program
Control of eukaryotic phosphate homeostasis by inositol polyphosphate sensor domains
Thresholds and ultrasensitivity from negative cooperativity
ppGpp couples transcription to DNA repair in E
HIV-1 therapy with monoclonal antibody 3BNC117 elicits host immune responses against HIV-1
Enhanced clearance of HIV-1–infected cells by broadly neutralizing antibodies against HIV-1 in vivo
Accelerated actin fi lament polymerization from microtubule plus ends
Coregulation of tandem duplicate genes slows evolution of subfunctionalization in mammals