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  • добавлен 03 января 2012 г.
Swift F., Kamberis A. A New Walsh Domain Technique of Harmonic Elimination and Voltage Control in Pulse-Width Modulated Inverters
IEEE Transaction on Power Electronics, vol. 8, No. 2, April 1993, pp. 170-185.
A new method is presented or selective harmonic elimination in pulse-width (PWM) inverter waveforms by the novel use of Walsh functions. The Walsh operational matrix of pulse-width modulation (WOM-PWM) is introduced as a means of obtaining the Walsh spectral equations of PWM waveforms. The slope and intercept Fourier operational matrices of pulse-width modulation (SFOM-PWM and IFOM-PWM) are also introduced as a means of obtaining Fourier spectral equations of PWM waveforms.
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