Машиностроение, металлургия, теоретическая механика, сопромат
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  • добавлен 07 сентября 2010 г.
Taylor C.M. Engine tribology
Серия: Tribology Series
Выпуск: 26
Издательство: Elsevier Science Ltd
Год издания: 1993
Число страниц: 302
ISBN: 0444897550
Язык: Английский

[Трибология ДВС] The structure of the book is such that firstly some basic features of tribology particularly associated with inteal combustion engines are dealt with. That is, lubrication analysis relevant to plain bearings, Hertzian contact theory and elastohydrodynamic lubrication associated with cams and followers and friction and wear in a general context. After a general overview of lubrication mechanisms in an automobile engine, successive pairs of chapters examine engine bearings, valve trains, (cam and followers) and piston assemblies. For each machine element a background introduction is followed by design interpretations and a consideration of future developments. Final the important topic of materials, solids and lubricants, is focused upon in the concluding chapters.

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