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Tisza Laszlo. Generalized thermodynamics
Textbook. — Cambridge (Massachusetts, USA), and London (England): MIT Press, 1966 — 384 p.: ill. — ASIN B0000CN92X, Library of Congress Catalog Card Number 66-16566.
На английском языке.
Ласло Тисса (венг. László Tisza; 7 июля 1907 — 15 апреля 2009) — американский физик венгерского происхождения. В 1938 г. он предложил двухжидкостную модель гелия-II, объяснявшую механизм возникновения сверхтекучести у этого газа. С 1941 г. в США; до 1973 г. преподавал в Массачусетском технологическом институте. Занимался как теоретической физикой, так и философией науки, в особенности в приложении к термодинамике и квантовой механике.
«In spite of the very large number of books dealing with thermodynamics and statistical physics, there remains room for new contributions. This book, by a contemporary master of thermodynamics, can fairly lay claim to being such a contribution. The book takes the form of a collection of papers more or less integrated with one another but not completely so. That is, there are long commentaries set out as papers which serve to connect reprints of the author's original research, and which also provide historical information and background. Indeed, it is the interesting mixture of historical information with attention to the nature of the postulates required and with emphasis on the logical structure of the thermodynamic theory that makes this book so valuable. In addition to a description of classical thermodynamics, there are also papers dealing with the statistical thermodynamics of equilibrium phenomena, critical fluctuations, and the role of fluctuations in irreversible phenomena. In the domain of equilibrium theory, Professor Tisza discusses his own extensions of that theory, especially the role of non-classical variables that account for symmetry properties of a medium». — American Scientist
Evolution of the Concepts of Thermodynamics
An Outline of MTE [macroscopic thermodynamics of equilibrium]
The Thermodynamics of Phase Equilibrium
On the General Theory of Phase Transitions
Equation of State of 4He in the Critical Region
The Geometrical Interpretation of the Formalism of MTE
Statistical Thermodynamics
Statistical Thermodynamics of Equilibrium
Theory of Critical Fluctuations
The Fluctuation of Paths
Fluctuation and Irreversible Thermodynamics
On Method
The Logical Structure of Physics
The Conceptual Structure of Physics
Сканированная копия, изображение ч/б (текст, иллюстрации) + OCR-слой. — Качество файла: 9 — субъективная оценка по 10-бальной шкале.
Термодинамика. Аннотированный список литературы