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  • размер 81.8 МБ
  • добавлен 02 декабря 2011 г.
Tschenkeli K. Einf?hrung in die Georgische Sprache (band I & II)
Publisher: Amirani Verlarg, 1958.
Number of pages: 628+614
Language: German, Georgian
This book is regarded as the most comprehensive and accurate reference grammar for Georgian. It comes in two volumes: the first one contains the grammar description, while exercises come in volume II. Even though the first volume is actually a reference grammar, the corresponding exercises are well-paced and introduce sentences and vocabulary in a logical sequence.
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Tschenkeli K. Einf?hrung in die Georgische Sprache (audio)

  • формат mp3
  • размер 154.83 МБ
  • добавлен 02 декабря 2011 г.
Publisher: Amirani Verlarg, 1958. Number of pages: 628+614 Language: German, Georgian, English Audio: 48 kb/s This book is regarded as the most comprehensive and accurate reference grammar for Georgian. It comes in two volumes: the first one contains the grammar description, while exercises come in volume II. Even though the first volume is actually a reference grammar, the corresponding exercises are well-paced and introduce sentences and vocabu...

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