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Wicksell Knut. Interest and Prices
Sentry Press, New York, N.Y. - 240 pp. Оригинальное издание - 1898, первое издание перевода - 1936, переиздано в 1962. Язык английский.
Список глав:
Purchasing Power of Money and Average Prices
Relative Prices and Money Prices
The So-called Sost of Production Theory of Money
The Quantity Theory and its Opponents
The Velocity of Circulation of Money
The Rate of Interest as Regulator of Commodity Prices
The Natural Rate of Interest on Capital and the Rate of Interest on Loans
Systematic Exposition of the Theory:
A. The Causes which Determine the Natural Rate of Intereston Capital
B. The Use of Money
Inteational Price Relationships
Actual Price Movements in the Light of the Preceding Theory
Practical Proposals for the Stabilisation of the Value of Money
Appendix - The Monetary Problem of the Scandinavian Countries