Search Press, 2008. — 48 с. — ISBN: 1844482189.
Замечательная книга по квиллингу на английском языке. Возможность
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Even if you've never tried quilling before, Janet Wilson's friendly step-by-step guide will have you curling and twirling away in no time. "Quilled Wild Flowers" starts by taking you through the basic kit and techniques, then offers five stunning floral projects for you to try. The book is packed with helpful tips, diagrams and photos. It also shows you some fun and imaginative ways to use your creations, from cards and boxes to gorgeous glass paperweights. Whether it's a dainty bluebell or a cheery violet, there's a quilled flower for every occasion.
Even if you've never tried quilling before, Janet Wilson's friendly step-by-step guide will have you curling and twirling away in no time. "Quilled Wild Flowers" starts by taking you through the basic kit and techniques, then offers five stunning floral projects for you to try. The book is packed with helpful tips, diagrams and photos. It also shows you some fun and imaginative ways to use your creations, from cards and boxes to gorgeous glass paperweights. Whether it's a dainty bluebell or a cheery violet, there's a quilled flower for every occasion.