Топливо, Энергетика
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  • добавлен 09 декабря 2011 г.
Zhang F. (Ed.) Shock Wave Science and Technology Reference Library, Vol. 4: Heterogeneous Detonation
Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 2009. 408 p. ISBN978-3-540-88446-0

Spray Detonation.
S.B. Murray and P.A. Thibault.
Laboratory Studies of Con?ned Spray Detonation.
Detonability Studies in Tubes and Chambers.
Structure of Spray Detonations and Velocity De?cits.
Detonation in Uncon?ned Fuel Sprays in Air.
Sprays Created by Low-Pressure Nozzles.
Sprays Created by Explosively Driven Nozzles.
Sprays Created Explosively in Trough Tests.
Sprays Created by Explosive Dispersal from Canisters.
Sprays Created by Explosive Dispersal from Hoses.
Chemical Initiation of Detonation.
Fundamental Chemical Initiation Studies.
Single-Event FAE Device Studies.
Detonation Propulsion Studies.
Modelling of Spray Detonation and Explosive Liquid Dispersal.
Spray Detonation Modelling Studies.
Modelling of Explosive Liquid Dispersal.
Detonation of Gas–Particle Flow.
F. Zhang.
Detonation Theory of Gas–Particle Flow.
Equilibrium CJ Detonation Model.
Two-Phase ZND Detonation Model.
Unsteady Two-Phase Fluid Dynamics Model.
Transition to Detonation.
Progressive DDT.
Abrupt DDT.
Transition to Detonation Near the End Wall.
Initiation of Uncon?ned Detonation.
Detonation Velocity and Pressure.
Detonation Structure.
Spinning and Cellular Detonation.
Detonation Dynamic Parameters.
Quasi-Detonation in Tubes.
Hybrid Detonation.
Hybrid Detonation Modes.
In?uencing Factors.
A Two-Phase Fluid Dynamics Equations.
B Equations of State.
C InterphaseTransfers.
C.1 MassTransfer.
C.2 MomentumTransfer.
C.3 HeatTransfer.
C.4 ParticleNumberChange.
Slurry Detonation.
D.L. Frost and F. Zhang.
De?nitions of Slurry Blasting Agents and Explosives.
Applications of Slurry Explosives.
Historical Development of Slurry Explosives.
Formulations of Slurry Explosives.
Water–Gel and Emulsion Slurry Formulations.
Procedure for Generating Water–Gel Slurry.
Fuel-Rich Slurry Explosive Formulations.
Equilibrium Thermodynamics.
Detonation Velocity of Emulsion Explosives.
Hot-Spot Sensitization in Emulsion Explosives.
Impact Sensitivity of Emulsion Explosives.
Nitromethane Slurry Explosives.
Models for Detonation Propagation in Slurry Explosives.
Equilibrium Model.
Zeldovich–von Neumann–D? oringModel.
Detonation Shock Dynamics.
Mesoscale Continuum Modeling.
Detonation of Metalized Composite Explosives.
M.F. Gogulya and M.A. Brazhnikov.
Detonation Velocity.
DV in Metalized Explosives.
DV in Aluminized Explosives.
Pressure and Temperature Time Histories.
HMX-Based Explosives.
NQ-Based Explosives.
BTNEN-Based Explosives.
RDX-AP-Based Explosives.
Acceleration Ability.
Plate Acceleration.
Cylinder Test.
ADN and Nanometric Al Formulations.
HMX and Nanometric Al Formulations.
Shock-Induced Solid–Solid Reactions and Detonations.
Yu.A. Gordopolov, S.S. Batsanov, and V.S. Tro?mov.
Shock-Induced Solid–Solid Reactions.
Experimental Observations.
Temperature Measurements.
Kinematic Measurements.
Mechanical Consequences in Recovery Ampoules.
Solid–Solid Syntheses.
Mechanism of Ultrafast Di?usion.
Shock-Induced Solid–Solid Detonation in Zinc–Sulfur.
nitiation of Detonation.
Direct Measurement of Detonation Velocity.
Thermodynamic Fundamentals of Solid–Solid Detonation.
Basic Assumptions.
Thermal E?ects of Physicochemical Transformation.
Shock Equations.
The Role of Thermal E?ects in Laminar Motion.
of Reacting Matter.
Thermal Criterion for Shock or Detonation.
Shock Ignition of Particles.
S.M. Frolov and A.V. Fedorov.
gnition of Solid Particles.
Experimental and Theoretical Findings.
Static Conditions.
Dynamic Conditions.
Ignition of Liquid Drops.
Drop Deformation.
Single Drop Vaporization.
Drop Breakup.
Cloud of Breakup Fragments.
aporization of Drops in Clouds.
Kinetic Mechanisms of Drop Ignition and Combustion.
High-Temperature Drop Ignition.
Low-Temperature Drop Ignition.
Ignition of Disintegrating Drops.
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