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  • добавлен 02 февраля 2011 г.
Barrett D.M., Somogyi L.P., Ramaswamy H. Processing Fruits: Science and Technology
CRC Press LLC, 2005, 2-е издание, англ. язык, 841 ст.

Книга очень полезна студентам и профессорам, промышленному персоналу и специалистам консервной промышленности.

PART I Biology, Principles, and Applications

Classi?cation, Composition of Fruits, and Postharvest Maintenance of Quality
Refrigerated and Controlled/Modi?ed Atmosphere Storage
Fresh-Cut Fruits
Juice Processing
Enzymes in the Fruit Juice and Wine Industry
Fruit Preserves and Jams
Drying of Fruits
Fruit Freezing
Thermal Processing of Fruits
Novel Processing Technologies for Food Preservation
Ionizing Radiation Processing of Fruits and Fruit Products
Microbiology of Fruit Products
Direct Food Additives in Fruit Processing
Quality Assurance, Quality Control, Inspection, and Sanitation
Packaging of Fruits and Vegetables
Grades, Standards, and Food Labeling
Residual Management in Fruit Processing Plants

PART II Major Processed Products

Apples and Apple Processing
Peach and Apricot
Sweet Cherry and Sour Cherry Processing
Plums and Prunes
Strawberries and Raspberries
Processing of Cranberry, Blueberry, Currant, and Gooseberry
Grape Juice: Factors That In?uence Quality, Processing Technology,
and Economics
Oranges and Tangerines
Grapefruits, Lemons, and Limes
Bananas (Processed)
Tropical Fruits
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