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American Scientist 2015 №01
Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Society, USA, 2015. – 84 p.
American Scientist – иллюстрированная публикация, выходящая дважды в месяц, о науке, разработке и технологиях. Каждая проблема заполнена тематическими статьями, написанными видными учеными и инженерами, которые рассматривают важную работу в областях в пределах от молекулярной биологии к компьютерным разработкам.
Award-winning magazine American Scientist is an illustrated bi-monthly publication about science, engineering and technology. It has been published by Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Society since 1913. Each issue is filled with feature articles written by prominent scientists and engineers who review important work in fields ranging from molecular biology to computer engineering. Also included is the Scientists' Nightstand that reviews a vast range of science-related books and novels.
New Disease Emerges as Threat to Salamanders
Cultures of Code
Can an Engineer Appreciate Art?
The Many Guises of Aromaticity
Fly-By Forestry Takes Off
What Everyone Should Know about Statistical Correlation
Each Blade a Single Crystal
Arsenic, the “King of Poisons,” in Food and Water
The Acoustic World of Harbor Porpoises
When the Cause of Stroke Is Cryptic
Like Holding a Piece of Sky
Sigma Xi Today