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  • добавлен 24 ноября 2011 г.
Braun Thom. The Phylosophy of Branding
Thom Braun. The Philosophy Of Branding - Great Philosophers Think Brands

Publisher: Kogan Page Business Books (June 2004)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0749441933
ISBN-13: 978-0749441937
176 pages

Braun in this insightful branding book, provides a fresh look at branding from the minds of the great weste philosophers. From Socrates to Aristotle to Kant, Braun gives the audience a look at how these philosophers would approach branding, their opinion's , thought pattes, and their methods of brand application, bringing the book into the 21century by using current brands as BMW, Coke, Sony and Apple.

It explores the earliest notion of branding.and how branding developed over the years to become what we know it today. Discussing brand related topics such as, reason, emotion, perception, thoughts, feelings and value. With the book providing hot tips from philosophers to help guide the readers thoughts.

Braun poses the question, Is there a role for philosophy in branding?, With the answer being yes, stating that branding revolves around the way people think.and as such he invites and encourages the viewer to thus approach branding now on from a more thoughtful approach.

"The book is filled with pragmatic insights, summaries and Braun's 'top tips' from the philosophers." -Professional Manager "In fact The Philosophy of Branding makes for a playful, informative and thought provoking read." -Brand Strategy "Within minutes I was captivated by a witty, relaxed narrative, easy on the mind and impossible to put down." -Media Week "Humorous, well-argued and heartfelt call to action for marketers, brand managers and communications specialists." -Marketing "There are some really challenging thoughts on some fundamental marketing realities here, and the book doubles as a pretty good "bluffer's guide" to philosophy as well." -Argent Joual of Financial Services Forum "Entertaining, intellectual, fun and useful. A new way of looking at, and asking questions about, the key elements in branding." -Research, www.mrs.org.uk "Philosophy of Branding is refreshingly witty and original." -Commerce and Industry "Will resonate with all marketing and branding professionals who want their intellectual and professional faculties stimulated by some new thinking." European Foundation for Management Development "Refreshingly witty." BrandRepublic.co.uk "Uses philosophy to draw out a series of fundamental principles for the development and management of brands." Joual of Economic Literature "The book is filled with pragmatic insights, summaries and Braun's 'top tips' from the philosophers." Professional Manager "In fact The Philosophy of Branding makes for a playful, informative and thought provoking read." Brand Strategy "Within minutes I was captivated by a witty, relaxed narrative, easy on the mind and impossible to put down." Media Week "Humorous, well-argued and heartfelt call to action for marketers, brand managers and communications specialists." Marketing "There are some really challenging thoughts on some fundamental marketing realities here, and the book doubles as a pretty good "bluffer's guide" to philosophy as well." Argent Joual of Financial Services Forum "Entertaining, intellectual, fun and useful. A new way of looking at, and asking questions about, the key elements in branding." MRS Research "Philosophy of Branding is refreshingly witty and original." Commerce and Industry 'Thom Braun's mission, in this eclectic and readable book, is to get us thinking and, whether he's relating Plato to Persil or Descartes to Diet Coke, that's just what he does. No marketer will think about their job in the same way after reading this. Enjoyable and thought-provoking.' James Thompson, Senior Vice President, Marketing, Diageo, North America 'Thom Braun, The Thinking Man's Brand Manager, has created a whole new sizzling discourse on branding which provides a terrific antidote to the anodyne filler of standard business texts. Armed with brains and a little Braun, brand managers can become brand leaders.' Paul Walton, Chairman, The Value Engineers 'An original and witty reminder that the most successful brands are driven by talented thinkers.' Simon Clift, President, Marketing, Unilever Home & Personal Care 'At last, a brand book with a big idea. Braun's entertaining distillation of some of the greatest thinkers of the last 3,000 years offers provocative yet practical conclusions on how we should rethink managing our own brand. A wonderfully fresh and stimulating read.' Adam Morgan, author of Eating the Big Fish 'A thoroughly stimulating and enjoyable read. By looking at brands and branding through the lens of Weste philosophy, Braun helps us review afresh some of the fundamentals of marketing.' Jim Carroll, Deputy Chairman, BBH London
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