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Dabashi H. Shi'ism, a religion of protest
The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts - London, 2011.
Дабаши Х. Шиизм, религия протеста (на англ. яз.)
Гарвард Юниверсити Пресс, Кембридж, Массачусетс - Лондон, 2011. — 413 с.
Death of a Prophet.
Birth of a Revolutionary Faith.
The Karbala Complex.
In the Battlefields of History.
In the Company of Kings, Caliphs, and Conquerors.
At the Dawn of Colonial Modeity.
Shi’ism and the Crisis of Cultural Modeity.
On Ressentiment and the Politics of Despair.
An Aesthetic of Emancipation.
The Un/Making of a Politics of Despair.
Toward a New Syncretic Cosmopolitanism.
Contemporary Sites of Contestation.
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