3-rd Edition. McGraw Hill, 1969 г. , 1607 стр.
The objectives of this handbook are: (1) to present clearly and concisely the fundamental principles which are basic to each subdivision of hydraulic engineering, and (2) to demonstrate the practical applications of these principles by examples which have been drawn largely from the actual practice of hydraulic engineering.
In preparing the third edition, the Editors were confronted with the task of bringing the book up-to-date in a period of rapid and dynamic change. Three factors of primary importance are: (1) The correlation of extensive field and laboratory testing programs; (2) the development of new designing methods which now brings the results of theoretical analyses closer to those obtained from field observations; and (3) the rapid increase in the use of the digital computer. Recent advances in dam design illustrate the interrelations between these three factors.
In response to many requests, the Editors have added new sections on basic hydraulics, reservoir hydraulics, natural channels, regime canals, river diversion, basic principles of concrete dam design, cored-gravity and massive-buttress dams, prestressed dams, barrages and dams on soft foundations, fish passing facilities, pumped storage, flood control, navigation, groundwater, drainage, and tidal energy development. Many other sections have been completely rewritten.
For convenience in reference, the third edition has been divided into four parts: I, Hydrology and Basic Hydraulics; II, Water Conveyance; III, Dams; and IV, Water Use, Control, and Disposal.
The objectives of this handbook are: (1) to present clearly and concisely the fundamental principles which are basic to each subdivision of hydraulic engineering, and (2) to demonstrate the practical applications of these principles by examples which have been drawn largely from the actual practice of hydraulic engineering.
In preparing the third edition, the Editors were confronted with the task of bringing the book up-to-date in a period of rapid and dynamic change. Three factors of primary importance are: (1) The correlation of extensive field and laboratory testing programs; (2) the development of new designing methods which now brings the results of theoretical analyses closer to those obtained from field observations; and (3) the rapid increase in the use of the digital computer. Recent advances in dam design illustrate the interrelations between these three factors.
In response to many requests, the Editors have added new sections on basic hydraulics, reservoir hydraulics, natural channels, regime canals, river diversion, basic principles of concrete dam design, cored-gravity and massive-buttress dams, prestressed dams, barrages and dams on soft foundations, fish passing facilities, pumped storage, flood control, navigation, groundwater, drainage, and tidal energy development. Many other sections have been completely rewritten.
For convenience in reference, the third edition has been divided into four parts: I, Hydrology and Basic Hydraulics; II, Water Conveyance; III, Dams; and IV, Water Use, Control, and Disposal.