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  • добавлен 19 мая 2015 г.
Дискурсивные практики коммуникации (дебаты)
Минский государственный лингвистический университет, Минск, Беларусь, Елецкая Е.А., 2015. 21 с.
Проблемные ситуации дебатов.
Same sex couples/marriages are socially acceptable/a social distortion.
Abortion is a woman’s choice./Abortion is a deliberate murder of a child.
Verbal abuse entails violence and therefore should be criminalised. / Verbal abuse is no crime. It’s harmless and unavoidable.
A child raised in an abusive household is bound to become a victim or a victimiser. / An abusive childhood is no verdict.
Money is the root of all evil. / Money is not the root of all evil — people are.
Saving money ensures your future. / Money is there to spend.
Oligarchy is beneficial to the welfare of a country and its citizens. / Oligarchy is a profit- and power-driven elite undermining the social cohesion of society.
The global economic and financial crisis is more of an opportunity than a disaster.
The Eurozone economic crisis threatens to trigger the collapse of the EU. / The EU is strong enough to survive any political, financial or economic crisis.
Mode terrorism is not rooted in Islam as a faith. / The rampant spread of mode Islamist terrorism is spurred by Islam as a faith.
US global war on terror has made America and the world more secure. / US war on terror has provoked a powerful backlash.
Russia has largely managed to curb terrorism on its territory. / Russia has failed to completely prevent terrorism on its territory.
Russia needs a new and more liberal leader. / The Russian president is the right person to rule the country today.
An open-door immigration policy is a recipe for disaster. / An open-door immigration policy is beneficial to the host countries.
Islamisation of Europe leads to a clash of civilisation. / Muslim immigrants pose no civilisational threat to Europe.
Multiculturalism has made Europe more diverse and tolerant. / Multiculturalism is a beautiful idea that has failed.
America is a beacon of democracy and has a legitimate right to be exceptional and domineering. / The US exceptionalist policy is arrogant and undemocratic.
Children’s sex education is parental / societal responsibility.
Juvenile justice violates parental rights and undermines the family institution. / Juvenile justice protects children’s rights.
Weste liberalism is driving the world to self-destruction. / Weste liberalism promotes universal values and is a guiding star for the rest of the world.
Cohabitation is an excellent way to test out a relationship. / Marriage gives a sense of responsibility and stability to the family institution.