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  • добавлен 04 июля 2011 г.
Drake G.W.F. (editor) Handbook of Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics
Springer Science, New York, 2006, 1506 pp. - ISBN-10: 0-387-20802-X
The Handbook of Atomic, Molecular and Optical (AMO) Physics gives an in-depth survey of the present status of this field of physics.
List of Abbreviations.
Units and Constants.

Part A Mathematical Methods.
Angular Momentum Theory.
Group Theory for Atomic Shells.
Dynamical Groups.
Perturbation Theory.
Second Quantization.
Density Matrices.
Computational Techniques.
Hydrogenic Wave Functions.

Part B Atoms.
Atomic Spectroscopy.
High Precision Calculations for Helium.
Atomic Multipoles.
Atoms in Strong Fields.
Rydberg Atoms.
Rydberg Atoms in Strong Static Fields.
Hyperfine Structure.
Precision Oscillator Strength and Lifetime Measurements.
Spectroscopy of Ions Using Fast Beams and Ion Traps.
Line Shapes and Radiation Transfer.
Thomas-Fermi and Other Density-Functional Theories.
Atomic Structure: Multiconfiguration Hartree-Fock Theories.
Relativistic Atomic Structure.
Many-Body Theory of Atomic Structure and Processes.
Photoionization of Atoms.
Green's Functions of Field Theory.
Quantum Electrodynamics.
Tests of Fundamental Physics.
Parity Nonconserving Effects in Atoms.
Atomic Clocks and Constraints.

Part C Molecules.
Molecular Structure.
Molecular Symmetry and Dynamics.
Radiative Transition Probabilities.
Molecular Photodissociation.
Time-Resolved Molecular Dynamics.
Nonreactive Scattering.
Gas Phase Reactions.
Gas Phase Ionic Reactions.
Infrared Spectroscopy.
Laser Spectroscopy in the Submillimeter and Far-Infrared Regions.
Spectroscopic Techniques: Lasers.
Spectroscopic Techniques: Cavity-En ha need Methods.
Spectroscopic Techniques: Ultraviolet.

Part D Scattering Theory.
Elastic Scattering: Classical, Quantal, and Semiclassical.
Orientation and Alignment in Atomic and Molecular Collisions.
Electron-Atom, Electron-Ion, and Electron-Molecule Collisions.
Positron Collisions.
Adiabatic and Diabatic Collision Processes at Low Energies.
Ion-Atom and Atom-Atom Collisions.
Ion-Atom Charge Transfer Reactions at Low Energies.
Continuum Distorted Wave and Wannier Methods.
lonization in High Energy Ion-Atom Collisions.
Electron-Ion and Ion-Ion Recombination.
Dielectronic Recombination.
Rydberg Collisions: Binary Encounter, Bo and Impulse Approximations.
Mass Transfer at High Energies: Thomas Peak.
Classical Trajectory and Monte Carlo Techniques.
Collisional Broadening of Spectral Lines.

Part E Scattering Experiments.
Photon-Atom Interactions: Low Energy.
Photon-Atom Interactions: Intermediate Energies.
Electron-Atom and Electron-Molecule Collisions.
Ion-Atom Scattering Experiments: Low Energy.
Ion-Atom Collisions - High Energy.
Reactive Scattering.
Ion-Molecule Reactions.

Part F Quantum Optics.
Light-Matter Interaction.
Absorption and Gain Spectra.
Laser Principles.
Types of Lasers.
Nonlinear Optics.
Coherent Transients.
Multiphoton and Strong-Field Processes.
Cooling and Trapping.
Quantum Degenerate Gases.
De Broglie Optics.
Quantized Field Effects.
Entangled Atoms and Fields: Cavity QED.
Quantum Optical Tests of the Foundations of Physics.
Quantum Information.

Part G Applications.
Applications of Atomic and Molecular Physics to Astrophysics.
Applications of Atomic and Molecular Physics to Global Change.
Atoms in Dense Plasmas.
Conduction of Electricity in Gases.
Applications to Combustion.
Surface Physics.
Interface with Nuclear Physics.
Charged-Particle-Matter Interactions.
Radiation Physics.

Acknowledgements. About the Authors. Detailed Contents. Subject Index.
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