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Dungkar Lozang Trinlé. Dungkar Tibetological Great Dictionary / Большой толковый словарь Дунгар
Beijing: China Tibetology Publishing House, 2002. — 2388 p. — ISBN 7-80057-540-3.
Наиболее полный толковый словарь тибетологических терминов на тибетском языке.
A comprehensive Tibetological dictionary compiled by the Professor Dungkar Lozang Trinlé (1927–1997), a renowned Tibetan scholar, who started preparation of the dictionary in the early 1960's and completed in the last day of his life. During the fourty—year endeavour, the author collected abundant materials from various sources, selected tens of thousands of important lexical items in multidisciplinary works of Tibetology, and made detailed annotations for each entry. Arranged in Tibetan alphabetical order, the dictionary contains more than 14000 entries with annotations in 2800000 words covering a wide range of basic knowledge of Tibetan studies, related to philosophy, literature, arts, culture, religion and sciences, among them the Tibetan history, the relationship between Tibet and Inland of China, Buddhist philosophy, offical documents and files, local laws and regelations, ancient temples and famous monastries, folk customs, Tibetan medicine and pharmacology serving as the main thread.
Bo in 1927 in the south-easte district of Kongpo, Dungkar Lozang Trinlé was recognised as the eighth reincaate Rinpoche (or Lama) of the nearby Dungkar ("White Conch") monastery at the age of four, and entered the great monastery of Sera shortly after. By the age of 20, he was appointed disciplinarian at Lhasa's prestigious Lower Tantric college, and 10 years later in 1957, on the eve of Tibet's final capitulation, he graduated as a Geshe Lha-ram-pa, the highest degree in monastic education. He is said to have been able to memorise every night as many pages of loose-leaf text as could be pierced with a single needle, and to have developed expertise in such "lesser sciences" as poetics and astrology, in addition to the canon of Buddhist philosophy and logic.
In 1958, he was sent to work in higher education in mainland China, to begin teaching an entire generation of young Tibetan aristocrats and religious dignitaries: he thus escaped involvement in the 1959 Lhasa uprising and its brutal suppression, but shortly thereafter he denounced the "old society", gave up his vows and married.
Dungkar's retu to Lhasa in 1983 coincided with the high tide of Tibetan cultural reconstruction in which he was an important figure. One of his central aims was realised the following year with the establishment of "Tibet University", of which he was appointed vice-principal and professor of history.