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  • добавлен 10 октября 2010 г.
Gadsby Jane M. Looking at the Writing on the Wall: A Critical Review and Taxonomy of Graffiti Texts
Тезисы дипломной работы - Что может рассказать надпись на стене: критический обзор таксономии текстов граффити.

Электронный ресурс.

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With such a wide variety of research available, it would seem that a system for reviewing or categorising these texts is badly needed. With this in mind, my intentions for this essay are as follows:
1. Define "graffiti"
2. Discuss graffiti research (a critical review of some of the texts with regards to
the problems in graffiti research)
3. Categorise the methodological approaches
4. Look at what the future holds for the study of graffiti
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