Топливно-энергетический комплекс
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  • добавлен 16 мая 2009 г.
General rules of electrical installation design
Schneider Electric - Electrical installation guide 2008
Rules and statutory regulations
Installed power loads - Characteristics
Power loading of an installation
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Gurevich E.I., Pinchuk N.D. experimental study of the latest design of the powerful air-cooled turbogenerator stator

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  • размер 370.44 КБ
  • добавлен 18 октября 2011 г.
Sigre 2008 Electrosila Russia The main circumstance limiting the turbogenerator capacity having indirect gas cooling is the heating of the stator winding. The natural aspiration to reduce this stator winding heating is connected with the intensification of the convective heat exchange in the stator tooth zone. This purpose is achieved in the investigated design owing to bypass of cooling gas between adjacent radial ducts through slit axial duct...

NFPA, National Electrical code 2002 Edition

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  • размер 4.07 МБ
  • добавлен 13 октября 2009 г.
NFPA,720 стр. Wiring and Protection; Wiring Methods and Materials; Equippment for General Use; Special Ocupacies; Special Equipment; Special Conditions; Communications System; Tables; Sprawo4nik amerikanskogo obstestvo protivopovarnoj ohranni, razsmatrivaet sistemi bezopasnosti. Sodershit materiali ob opasnostjah v energetike.