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  • добавлен 28 мая 2011 г.
Gorokhov V. The Historical Development of RADAR Science and Technology as the Prelude to the Modern Information Revolution (на англ.Горохов В.Г. Историческое развитие радиолокационной науки и техники как прелюдия современной информационной революции)
Статья. Опубликована в ICON. Joual of Inteational Committee for the History of Technology, 2007. Vol. 13 (0,7 а. л. ).

Problems of Research.
Methodological Analysis of the History of RADAR Science and Technology as a Scientific and Technological Discipline.
A Mode Scientific-Technological Disciplines.
Development of a New Research Trend in Radio Engineering (1930’s—1940’s).
Origination: scientific investigation and invention – experiment tests and first public demonstrations –
foundation of the companies – first patents.
Industry showed interest — designing radar as a single prototype and as a market product – interest
by the military — invention of the new components and their patents — first publications.
The First Radars in Russia.
Radiolocation as a Field of Study (I940’s - 1950’s).
Military use – organisation of serial production – scientific research and design – industrial and basic
research institutions – the organization of the engineering and scientific education.
The Council on Radiolocation in Russia.
Radiolocation as an Independent Science and Engineering Discipline (1950’s — 1960’s).
The Development of Radar during the First Post-war Years in Russia.
Radar Systems Engineering.
Russian Example: Air defense system near Moscow.
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