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ID (Ideas & Discoveries) 2016 №10 October
Stauer, Busville, Minnesota, USA. — 84 p. — ISSN 2161-2641.
iD - революционный журнал науки: прекрасный баланс истории, науки, природы, психологии, и текущих событий, объединенных с ошеломляющей фотографией и графикой, соединенной уникально неотразимым способом. Мы уверены, что Вы будете любить это!
iD is a revolutionary science magazine: a perfect balance of history, science, nature, psychology, and current events, combined with stunning photography and graphics, put together in a uniquely compelling way. We're sure you'll love it!
What’s scarier than the devil? The persecution that comes with accusations of being in league with him. Both the madness of Salem and the mystique of sharks involve a frenzy of fear: We’re scared of sharks, but are we actually the scary ones? Landless leopards cause chaos in cities. Engineered flavor additives infiltrate our bodies and reprogram our brains to consume more chemistry. We also put ourselves in harm’s way knowingly (trying to shoot the perfect selfie) and unknowingly (taking a cruise)
Body & Mind
The Deceived Sense of Taste. Tricks the food companies use to keep you coming back for more
Current Events
My Last Selfie. How far are people going to snap an unparalleled shot of themselves?
The Perfect Crime Scene. The dark side of vacationing at sea
Smarter in 60 Seconds: Cruise ships
New in Town. Why leopards are relocating to the urban jungle
Smarter in 60 Seconds: Big cats
Tardigrades—the Real Crown of Creation. A close-up view of a most unusual member of the animal kingdom
The Untold Truth About Sharks. Can science shed new light on their fearsome reputation?
The Psychology of a Witch Hunt. What happens when hysteria runs rampant in a community?
The Earth Eaters. Ever-bigger machines take ever-bigger bites out of the planet
Smarter in 60 Seconds: Mines
Does the Universe Have a Back Door? Deciphering the role black holes play in the cosmos
In Every Issue
A Photo and Its Story. Fascinating pictures and the story behind them
Questions & Answers. Marvels that can change our perception of the world
What Counts in the End. Here Come the Neat Freaks!