Топливно-энергетический комплекс
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  • добавлен 16 августа 2011 г.
IEA Statistics. Oil, Gas, Coal and Electricity: Quarterly Statistics: First Quarter 2011
OECD, IEA, 2011. - 538 pages.

This publication provides up-to-date, detailed quarterly statistics on oil, coal, natural gas and electricity for the OECD countries. Oil statistics cover production, trade, refinery intake and output, stock changes and consumption for crude oil, NGL and nine selected oil product groups.

Statistics for electricity, natural gas and hard coal and brown coal show supply and trade. Import and export data are reported by origin and destination. Moreover, oil and hard coal production are reported on a worldwide basis.

Table of contents


Definition and notes
- Oil
- Natural gas
- Coal
- Electricity

Country notes
- Oil
- Natural gas
- Coal
- Electricity


Oil supply and trade
- World oil and NGL production - Tables A1 - A3
- Supply - Tables B1 -B13.
- Trade - Tables C1 - C6

Natural gas supply and trade

- Supply - Table D
- Trade - Table E

Coal production and trade

- Production - Tables F1 – F2
- World trade - Tables G1 - G6
- Trade - Table H

Electricity supply

- Supply - Table I
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