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  • добавлен 28 декабря 2011 г.
Iqbal M., An Introduction to Solar Radiation
Toronto, Academic Press, 1983. 407 c.
учебное пособие
Sun-Earth Astronomical Relationship, Thermal Radiation, The Solar Constant and Its Spectral Distribution, Extraterrestrial Solar Irradiation, A Cloudless-Sky Atmosphere and Its Optics, Solar Spectral Radiation under Cloudless Skies, Total (Broadband) Radiation under Cloudless Skies, Solar Radiation under Cloudy Skies, Ground Albedo, Configuration Factors, Solar Radiation Incident on Tilted Planes on the Earth's Surface, Solar Radiation Measuring Instruments, List of Basic Constants and Dimensions, Conversion Factors, Spectral Distribution of the Extraterrestrial Solar Irradiance, Methods of Statistical Tests.
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