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  • добавлен 07 октября 2010 г.
Kort Michael. Central Asian Republics
Nations in Transition
Facts On File, Inc.
132 West 31st Street
New York NY 10001
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

This new volume in the Nations in Transition series examines the problems confronting the five Central Asian Republics—Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Kazakhstan, and Kyrgyzstan—as they adjust to their relatively new status as independent countries. With varying degrees of success and stability, the countries of this region are coping with a difficult transition. Famous for historical figures such as Genghis Khan and Tamerlane, and for the great Silk Road, the area has recently drawn attention for its extensive energy reserves. The war in neighboring country Afghanistan and the proximity and cultural ties to the rebels in Chechnya have added to the difficulties these countries face. Little known to most westeers, this region boasts a rich and fascinating history. Central Asian Republics is an excellent introduction to the history, culture, and current state of affairs of these countries. Following a brief introduction to the region, the book is divided into five sections, one for each country. Each section is concise and informative, offering an overview that is easy to understand. The sections explore the geography, population, history, govement, politics, economy, and daily life of each specific country and provide an outlook for its future. An emphasis is placed on how the countries have fared recently, since their independence from the Soviet Union.
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