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Лекции по стилистике
Презентации к лекциям по стилистике, г. Тюмень, ТюмГУ, 2012 год.
8 подробных лекций по стилистике: цель и задачи стилистики, стилистические средства и их различные классификации, функциональные стили и их особенности. На английском языке.
The problems of stylistic research (14 слайдов)
The subject of stylistics
Style (definitions)
Fields of investigation
Links of stylistics with other branches of Linguistics
Types of stylistic research and branches of stylistics
Stylistic Classification of the English Vocabulary (22 слайда)
Correlation of style, norm and function in the language
Stylistically coloured specific elements
The notion of stylistic function. Connotation and connotative meaning. Components of connotation: emotive, evaluative, expressive, stylistic
Other approaches to the types of connotation
The varieties of language. Territorial varieties
Vocabulary in the aspect of time
Лекция 3 отсутствует.
Expressive Means of the Language (20 слайдов)
The theory of expressive means by I.R.Galperin
Phonetic expressive means and stylistic devices
Lexical expressive means and stylistic devices
Syntactical expressive means and stylistic devices
Skrebnev’s approach to stylistic devices
Expressive means and stylistic devices (continued) (22 слайда)
Stylistic devices based on the meaning of language units: metaphor, metonymy
Stylistic devices based on the structure of language units
Phonetic expressive means and devices
The use of rhythm and rhyme in versification
Systems of versification. Types of feet. Types of rhymes.
Stylistic Grammar (30 слайдов)
The theory of grammatical gradation
Grammatical metaphor and types of grammatical transposition
3 types of denotative grammatical meaning
Grammatical metaphor
3 types of grammatical transposition
Morphological stylistics. Stylistic potential of parts of speech: noun, article, pronoun, adjective, verb
The expressive power of affixation
Stylistic Grammar (continued) (9 слайдов)
Stylistic Syntax
The omission of the parts of the sentence
Reiteration of the parts of the sentence
The inverted word order
The interaction of adjacent sentences
The theory of functional styles (21 слайд)
The overview of the system of functional styles
The system of functional styles by I.R.Galperin
Drawbacks of classification ofI.R.Galperin
Skrebnev’s classification of functional styles
The system of functional styles by I.V.Aold
The mode approach to functional styles
Distinctive features of the functional styles (22 слайда)
Literary colloquial style
Familiar colloquial style
Publicist style
Distinctive features of the functional styles (continued) (15 слайдов)
The style of official documents
Scientific style
(syntactical, lexical, compositional features)
Fundamental notions of Decoding Stylistics (20 слайдов)
Stylistics of the author and of the reader
Decoding stylistics
Decoding stylistic analyses
The types of foregrounding
Definitions of icons
Fundamental notions of Decoding Stylistics (continued) (22 слайда)
Defeated expectancy
The notion of Semantic field
Semi-marked structures