Электрические машины
Топливно-энергетический комплекс
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  • добавлен 28 января 2011 г.
Maurice L. Adams Rotating Machinery Vibration: From Analysis to Troubleshooting, 2000
A comprehensive reference/textbook detailing the fundamentals of rotating machinery vibration. Topics covered include computer model building, sources and types of vibration, and machine vibration signal analysis. The diskette includes software for analysis of rotor vibration and balancing with PC codes and computer models.

354 pages
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Брятова Л.И. Методические указания к выполнению лабораторных работ по дисциплине Электрические машины Часть 1 Машины постоянного тока

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СамИИТ, 2000. -32с. В методических указаниях рассматриваются электродвигатели и генераторы постоянного тока широкого применения в промышленности и на железнодорожном транспорте.

Леонтьев Г.А., Зенина Е.Г. Исследование асинхронных двигателей с короткозамкнутым и фазным ротором. Методические указания к выполнению лабораторной работы по общему курсу электротехники

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Волгоград, 2000. -32с. Методические указания содержат теоретические сведения об устройстве и принципе действия асинхронных двигателей, основных характеристиках, описывающих его работу, способах пуска двигателей.

Fitzgerald A.E. Electric Machinery

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Hardcover: 704 pages Publisher: McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math; 6 edition (July 25, 2002) Language: English Copyright ~ 2003. The exciting new sixth edition of Electric Machinery has been extensively updated while retaining the emphasis on fundamental principles and physical understanding that has been the outstanding feature of this classic book. This book covers fundamental concepts in detail as well as advanced topics for readers who...

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2001.-537c. This book is a comprehensive and self-contained exposition of the theory and methods used in the analysis and design of permanent magnet and electromechanical devices. It is intended to be used as both a text and a reference for researchers, professors, students, and engineers who are engaged in the research and development of new and conventional permanent magnet and electromechanical devices. It is written to provide the reader with...

Hamer P. Acceptance testing of electrical motors and generators

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IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, vol. 24, No. 6, November/December, 1988, pp. 1138-1152. A comprehensive inspection and acceptance test program for electric motors and generators is outlined. Recommended electrical and mechanical inspections and tests are described, and bearing housing and shaft vibration limits are recommended for all types of electric machines. The mechanical test procedures and vibration limits described are propose...

Juha Pyrh?nen, Tapani Jokinen, Val?ria Hrabovcov?. Design of Rotating Electrical Machines

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2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd Electrical machines are almost entirely used in producing electricity, and there are very few electricity-producing processes where rotating machines are not used. In such processes, at least auxiliary motors are usually needed. In distributed energy systems, new machine types play a considerable role: for instance, the era of permanent magnet machines has now commenced. About half of all electricity produced globa...

Lawrence R. Principles of Alternating Current Machinery

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New York-London: McGRAW-HILL Book Company, 1921, second edition. The use by the author of this book in class since its publication in 1916, as well as constructive criticism received from fellow teachers, has indicated minor changes in the text which would add to its clearnes. These changes have been incorporated in the second edition. Synchronous generators. Static transformers. Synchronous motors. Parallel operation of alternators. Synchr...

Paul C. Krause, Oleg Wasynczuk, Scott D. Sudhoff. Analysis of electric machinery and drive systems

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ISBN 047114326X IEEE Press, 2002, 613 pages An updated approach to reference frame analysis of electric machines and drive systems Since the first edition of Analysis of Electric Machinery was published, the reference frame theory that was detailed in the book has become the universally accepted approach for the analysis of both electric machines and electric drive systems. Now in its second edition, Analysis of Electric Machinery and Drive Sy...

Stephen J. Chapman. Electric Machinery Fundamentals - Instructor’s Manual

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* Publisher: McGraw Hill Higher Education * Number Of Pages: 746 * Publication Date: 2004-05-01 * ISBN / ASIN: 0071151559 This Instructor’s Manual is intended to accompany the fourth edition of Electric Machinery Fundamentals. To make this manual easier to use, it has been made self-contained. Both the original problem statement and the problem solution are given for each problem in the book. This structure should make it easier to copy pages fr...

Stone G.C., Boulter E.A., Culbert I., Dhirani H. Electrical insulation for rotating machines: design, evaluation, aging, testing, and repair

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Greg C. Stone, Edward A. Boulter, Ian Culbert, Hussein Dhirani. Electrical insulation for rotating machines: design, evaluation, aging, testing, and repair. A John Wiley & sons, Inc. , 2004. - 389 p. This book arose out of the conviction that both designers and users of large motors and generators would appreciate a single reference work about the electrical insulation systems used in rotating machines. We also wanted to document how and why...