Топливно-энергетический комплекс
  • формат pdf
  • размер 391,66 КБ
  • добавлен 06 мая 2012 г.
Passive Solar Handbook: Programming Guide. Volume III (Справочник по пассивным солнечным системам: Путеводитель по программированию III)
На английском языке, United States Air Force, 31 pages.
This volume of the handbook supports the process of programming Air Force commercial-type (nonfamily housing) facilities. Its focus is the inclusion of passive solar design information in standard Air Force facility programming documents. The goal is to reduce energy consumption in commercial-type facilities through the application of reliable and cost-effective passive solar design concepts. This goal can be achieved only if Air Force facility programmers are both knowledgeable and sensitive to the requirements of passive solar design, and also understand how to include passive solar design
requirements in programming documents.